
PSA: We faced a server issue

Last week, we faced a major server issue. Our entire server was wiped, including server backups, and we lost all of our data. We waited for the data centre to provide us with a backup and after 3 days, they said they can’t do it or it may take a lot of time. They did offer us some upgrades free of cost but that did not help us with the data that we lost.

Luckily, we had a backup from mid-June as we had taken a local backup preparing for server migration at that time. We were able to restore the site using the backup but in the process, we lost some data such as comments made after the backup date.

We will gradually try to reply again to previous queries but that may take some time. How long? We cannot say. But if you have missed any important replies, please ask again and we will try to address it asap.

We sincerely apologise for all the inconvenience caused. Also, in lieu of the events, we have set up daily offsite backups as we don’t want you or us to go through this again. Cheers.

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